Monday, March 30, 2009

All-nighters, much?

No. Thank you very much. I like to avoid them like the plague. But last night, I got stuck with one...pretty much. Going to bed at 5, waking up at 7:30... that just doesn't count in my book.

But! My paper is done, and all is well.

Some amusing insights into my adventure last night.
1. Craisin trail mix is awesome stuff! The perfect 3am snack!

2. Pandora becomes your bff whilst pulling an all-nighters. (While I confirmed w/ my new study buddy down the hall...we were both in the study room, headphones on, listening to pandora radio.

3. It's really easy to fall asleep after 2am. And almost any sort of music will lull you to sleep. (yes, indeed, even techno) There is, however, at least one exception. That which Pandora calls "Deathcore Metal." No joke. It's ridiculous. I spent the wee hours of the morning listening to it, b/c it was the only thing keeping me awake. Thankfully, I was too tired and too focused to understand the words (upon listening to it this morning, it was a bit frightening...).

4. To keep myself amused with this new music sensation, I decided to define it. So here goes.

"Deathcore Metal" =
The Swedish Chef


The Gremlins

A Machine Gun

Insanely Impossible Guitar Hero Riffs

This guy's voice at age 75

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dreaming? Being awake?

I've been having nightmares every time I sleep...for about 3 days now. For whatever reason they come and go; but when they're around it's not pleasant. And I wake up, petrified, and then fall back asleep. Only to remember them in the middle of the next day.

And then, the days....well, they just have a personality of their own.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


it's worth being up early, studying for your exam in the lounge. The look on the security guard's face when he comes past, is priceless.

What he thought (according to his face): "Wait? What the crap is that? Is that a student? It can't be.... It is! Holy crap! What is a student doing awake?? I'm so confused!"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice!

There once was a poor old man who owned a bony plow horse. The animal was old, but allowed the man and his son to plow the fields to grow the food off of which they lived. One spring afternoon the horse broke loose from his plow and ran away. The man and his son chased the horse, but it ran into the forest. They searched the woods for days, but to no avail. They were without any means of making a living. The old man’s friends, hearing the yelling, ran to his house. Trying to console him, they said, “We’re so sorry about your horse, old man. What a misfortune you’ve had.” But the old man said, “Bad news, good news-who can tell?”

A week later, the old man and his son were in the field, attmepting to plow it by hand, when they saw a cloud of dust approaching on the horizon. Lo and behold, it was their horse returning leading a herd of wild horses. The old man was rich! Not only did he have plenty of horses to work on his farm but he could sell the others at a profit. Again his friends came running. Filled with joy, they cried, “How wonderful!” But the old man whispered, “Good news, bad news-who can tell?”

Then the next day, when the farmer’s son was trying to ride one of the new horses, the young man was thrown to the ground and broke both of his legs. Upon hearing of the accident, the friends ran to the old man's house. "How unfortunate!" they cried. "Surely this is horrible news!" But the old man simply replied, “Bad news, good news-who can tell?”

And a short time later when the village went to war. A declaration went out that all young men had to go and fight. But when the recruitment officer came to the house of the old man, he shrugged, saying "We've no place for your son in this war." So the son avoided going into battle. Good news. Bad news. Who can tell?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Procrastination...or lack thereof

I'm spending my entire weekend working on a paper that isn't due until the 23rd. It's kinda crazy. At present, my only deadline is to finish taking notes on a book that needs to be back to the library by tomorrow night.

I don't think I've ever done this before....except when being forced by deadlines for notecards (which I don't count).

It's so strange....

I'm getting a little bored, and I just realized: I can take a break! It's not due on Monday or anything! I don't have to kill myself to get it done this minute.

Is this maturity? Responsibility? Wisdom?

Whatever it's weird :-p

Friday, March 13, 2009

"Problems" with my thesis for Roots of Early Christianity

~I can't say that Paul thinks that men should have only one wife (without specifying that this only applies to those who choose to 1 Cor 7)

~I can't refer to the the letters of the New Testament as the "Pauline epistles" (b/c my professor doesn't think that Paul wrote all of them)

~I'm not allowed to capitalize pronouns referring to Jesus (He, Him)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"We are mearly players, performers, and portrayers"

~Limelight, by Rush.

Someone said to me tonight, "Are you okay? You don't seem yourself..."

My unspoken question: If I'm not myself, then who am I?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

To Bart Ehrman

(Author of The New Testament: A historical introduction to the early Christian writings: My NT textbook.)

A quote from Pastor Mark Driscoll's Tolerance Rant

"I don't care if you know what the showbread is, and the temple is, and what the lamp stand is...If you don't know Jesus, you don't know jack about the Bible!"

Friday, March 06, 2009

Excellent thoughts on suffering

A series of blog posts by Mark Driscoll on the Mars Hill Church blog. Very insightful. Most helpful.

Part 1: Intro
Part 2: 15 Kinds of Suffering
Part 3: Why do we suffer?

Monday, March 02, 2009

It could have been bad

The "undisclosed" M-burg area was the Wal-Mart parking lot.
He was there @ 7:30, shooting at cop cars.
I walked out of the store @ 7:45.

Praise God for safety!